Guidelines from the Chartered Society of physiotherapists and the Welsh government have suggested the following measures are put in place to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.
I will wear a face shield during the assessment and additional mask when “hands-on treating”. Patients are required to wear a face mask or double layered scarf throughout the treatment session. Masks will be available for you to purchase for £3 if needed at the clinic.
Your temperature will be taken at the clinic door, if elevated we will re-schedule the appointment.
Hand sanitiser will be available at the door on entrance and exit.
I will be wearing dedicated clothing which is washable at 60ºC and I will wear a disposable apron throughout the session.
A risk assessment will be completed for each session and information will be collected to provide evidence of track and trace.
I will have at least 15 minutes gap between patients to allow a full clean down of all used areas and airing of the treatment room. This should ensure the avoidance of patient overlap.
Prior to your one-to-one session I will contact you by text (or phone call if you prefer) to answer a number of COVID questions for the risk assessment. These questions are:
Are you waiting for the test result of a test for coronavirus or been in contact with anyone who has the corona virus?
Have you had the onset of a new continuous cough, high temperature, a loss of/or change in your normal sense of taste or smell?
Are you defined by Government guidelines as vulnerable?
Are you defined by Government guidelines as extremely vulnerable?
Please answer the questions honestly as these will help me ascertain the best treatment approach when completing the risk assessment and will not necessarily stop you from coming in for treatment. Thank you.