As a physiotherapist I have spent the last 20 years doing what I love; assessing and treating people who are struggling with pain, stiffness and disability to restore movement and function using a variety of techniques. I have written reports, filled in audits and corresponded electronically, but generally I have tried to avoid sitting behind a computer and doing the “techie” bits. I even continue to draw out exercise plans on a piece of paper rather than using computer generated apps or printouts!
… Then 2020 arrived with all the challenges a pandemic can bring. I had to re-locate my main clinical practice from Newport, Wales after 8 years, at the same time I was unable to return to my Cardiff location or visit the residential homes due to COVID restrictions. Home schooling took up much of my time, so I had to adapt quickly.
The benefit of technology was a huge boost which catapulted me into online consultations, zoom meetings and embracing online technology to reach a wider audience. Online consultations, such as general physiotherapy, ergonomic assessments and manual handling training have become another way of operating and providing a service to people and businesses. Initially people were openly sceptical as to how physiotherapy could operate online. My general clinical rule is to leave the person with 5 “nuggets” of information/exercises/advice or home treatment to help alleviate their symptoms, often people have been surprised by the effectiveness of these sessions, and even after COVID this is likely to continue as a cost effective and convenient service. For those individuals who require a more “hands-on” approach I have been able to re-locate to a great clinic room in Radyr, Cardiff; by following all the COVID guidelines and cleaning rituals I am open for business.
Normality has certainly been warped and the governments around the world have the unenviable juggling game to keep people safe, while minimising the impact on their livelihoods and well-being. So, do I have any words of wisdom? … Embrace change, look for opportunities and possibilities, help each other out, stretch, exercise, eat well and get enough sleep!